Thursday, August 27, 2020

Starbucks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Starbucks - Essay Example The organization sources around half of its beans from South America, 35% from the Pacific Rim, and 15% from East Africa. The organization picks its area cautiously so as to guarantee the greatest client traffic conceivable. The firm appreciates a huge upper hand as far as reach because of the way that the firm has 16,635 establishments around the world. The land methodology centers around adaptability which permits the firm’s retail locations to fit in a territory including corners, trapezoids, or triangles. The firm has fabricated a gigantic corporate culture by engaging its workers. The representatives of the organization are alluded to as baristas. The firm advances decent variety among its staff. â€Å"As accomplices, we grasp assorted variety to make a spot every one of us can be ourselves† (Starbucks). The company understands that its representatives are a basic achievement factor that empowers the firm to offer its client a special encounter. A portion of the co re values of the company’s culture incorporate giving an incredible workplace, applying the best quality of greatness, fulfilling the client, and perceiving benefit is basic to the future accomplishment of the business. Starbucks has an enormous assortment of flavorful espressos hot beverages. The baristas have the opportunity to tweak the client beverages to consent to the requirements.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Newspaper Articles Summary Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Paper Articles Summary - Assignment Example Thus, Mcbrayer says that main driver of this demeanor must lie elsewhere however not in the philosphers. Mcbrayer contends in the article that the disposition of review virtues as negligible conclusions that are not authentic lies in the training arrangement of America, especially in the educational program. Mcbrayer says that his examination on the point made him to understand that kids are educated, from exceptionally young age, to see virtues as being insignificant convictions or feelings. Mcbrayer proceeds to contend that kids are instructed that a reality is a case that can be confirm, then again, a feeling is a case that can't be confirm or demonstrated. Consequently, Mcbrayer contends, kids are educated to see every ethical case as being insignificant cases and not realities. For his explanation, as indicated by Mcbrayer, youngsters create negative disposition against virtues and the view virtues as being false cases. Mcbrayer asserts in the article that the division of realities and assessments in the educational plan in American schools represents the motivation behind why Amer ican kids believe that there are no ethical realities. Mcbrayer finishes up his article by saying that virtues are without a doubt realities and not unimportant feelings; for Mcbrayer, a conviction or a supposition can be valid. Thus, virtues are to be sure evident cases and therefore they are realities and not negligible suppositions. A basic perspective on Mcbrayer’s sees in this article shows that Mcbrayer is directly in his view that virtues are realities and not insignificant feelings. This is on the grounds that, in spite of the fact that, we can't give confirmation or proof of virtues, there are numerous different things in life that we can't give proof of but we hold them as truth. Since virtues help people to live well and to keep up human nobility, virtues are without a doubt realities and not insignificant sentiments. In this article, an Oliver sack regrets the way that she is experiencing the

Friday, August 21, 2020

Creative Writing Tips For Writing a Conclusion Essay

Creative Writing Tips For Writing a Conclusion EssayWriting a conclusion essay is usually an important element in the course of a creative writing project. The purpose of this type of essay is to summarize what has been established in the other parts of the piece. The conclusion should, in addition, make clear the author's opinion about how the story should end. This article will describe several techniques for writing a conclusion and how to achieve this goal.First, you need to make sure that the ending point does not lead to too many questions. The conclusion is there to answer them. That said, it is important to not lose sight of the overall theme. Otherwise, the conclusion becomes secondary. The following paragraphs will address several techniques for writing a conclusion and how to achieve this goal.The first technique for writing a conclusion is to demonstrate your ability to formulate a conclusion. The title of the essay, the basic idea, and other supporting arguments will be presented as the final section. In this part, it is important to provide an explanation of what you mean when you use the term 'conclusion.' Although this may seem like a tedious task, if you can use your words to persuade the reader to accept your position, the conclusion should be easy to write.An effective method of doing this is to demonstrate the strength of your argument by convincing the reader's heart. The 'meat' of the essay will be an explanation of why your conclusion follows from the arguments you've presented so far.Second, it is helpful to examine the structure of the essay before you begin writing it. There are several styles of concluding a piece. Some use the standard 'fifty shades of gray' format. The conclusion is used to solve a problem or to explain a concept.Other endings arepresented by demonstrating the solution to a problem that the author's viewpoint could not solve. Finally, there are endings that acknowledge that you've solved the problem and create a sit uation where the reader feels an epiphany and a new knowledge.As you start writing the essay, remember to describe each style so that you'll be able to recognize them when you have to illustrate them. Before you begin writing, draw out the design of the essay using this outline. Then, you can begin writing in the appropriate style.Finally, do not forget to state the end of the essay as a brief paragraph in the conclusion. Doing so will help your reader to be more comfortable with the conclusion and appreciate the essay more.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Cmo inversin inmobiliaria calificara para visa E-2

Una duda muy comà ºn entre personas extranjeras que desean obtener una visa de inversià ³n para vivir en Estados Unidos es si una inversià ³n inmobiliaria da derecho o no a optar por la visa E-2. La respuesta es clara. En principio, no. Excepto si se le da la forma que se necesita para cumplir con los requisitos legales y econà ³micos que imponen las leyes migratorias.  ¿Quà © requisitos se necesitan para que las inversià ³n inmobiliaria permita para calificar para la visa E-2? La ley dice que para calificar para la visa E-2 de inversià ³n se tiene que crear o comprar un negocio que tiene que ser real y activo.   Pero,  ¿cà ³mo entender esos requerimientos? La mejor forma es a travà ©s de ejemplos. Cuà ¡ndo la inversià ³n inmobiliaria NO califica para la visa E-2 Es comà ºn que una persona extranjera compre uno o varios inmuebles en Estados Unidos, desde su paà ­s o aprovechando una visita a Estados Unidos con una visa de turista. Por ejemplo, que invierta medio millà ³n de dà ³lares en un condominio en Miami porque le gusta viajar   de vacaciones a esa ciudad. Esta situacià ³n no califica para la visa de inversià ³n. En otro ejemplo, un extranjero compra varios apartamentos por un valor de un millà ³n de dà ³lares con la idea de que con el tiempo incrementarà ¡ su valor y que podrà ¡ venderlos por mà ¡s dinero que el abonado por su compra. En este caso, tampoco se califica. En ninguno de esos ejemplos se trata de un negocio real y activo. Entonces,  ¿quà © es eso? Ejemplos de inversiones inmobiliarias que sà ­ califican para la E-2 Para cumplir con los requisitos de las leyes migratorias debe: tratarse de un negocio real, no de una mera inversià ³nla persona que solicita la visa E-2 debe dirigir el negocio El negocio debe repercutir favorablemente en la economà ­a de los Estados Unidos Un ejemplo de ello serà ­a, por ejemplo, el caso en el que una persona extranjera compra por valor de $300 mil dà ³lares unos apartamentos y se dedica al negocio de rentarlos favoreciendo a la economà ­a al crear empleo americano contratando a personal de seguridad, limpieza, etc. Otro ejemplo serà ­a el caso en el que el inversor se dedica a comprar inmuebles en mal estado, a repararlos y a venderlos. Tendrà ­a que gestionar el negocio y el requisito de repercutir favorablemente en la economà ­a se cumplirà ­a contratando a empresas americanas para llevar a cabo las reparaciones. Por lo tanto, lo importante no es que se trate de una inversià ³n inmobiliaria o no ni siquiera es tan importante el monto, lo fundamental es que se trate de un negocio real y activo y que tenga un efecto favorable en la economà ­a estadounidense. Y todos esos requisitos se prueban con un aspecto fundamental del proceso de peticià ³n de la visa: el plan de negocios. Ese es un punto fundamental que el oficial consular va a analizar con lupa antes de decidir si aprueba la solicitud de visa. A tener en cuenta antes de solicitar una visa E-2 No todos los extranjeros pueden solicitar este tipo de visa. Es necesario ser ciudadano de un paà ­s que tiene firmado con Estados Unidos un contrato bilateral de visas de inversià ³n. No confundir con un Tratado de Libre Comercio, ya que nada tienen que ver. Si no se tiene ciudadanà ­a de un paà ­s incluido en el listado, olvidarse de la E-2 y examinar otras posibles opciones como la green card por inversià ³n o la L-1 de transfer en el caso de tener ya una empresa en el paà ­s de residencia habitual. Si se reà ºne el requisito de la nacionalidad, es el momento de prestar atencià ³n a otros puntos de la E-2. Por ejemplo, es necesario que se trate de una inversià ³n en un negocio, siendo posibles toda clase de opciones. Incluso la cantidad a invertir no està ¡ definida y va a depender del tipo de negocio. El inversor que solicita la visa debe darle al negocio la forma jurà ­dica que mà ¡s le convenga. Pero en el caso de que el negocio pertenezca a mà ¡s de una persona, tener presente siempre que para obtener la visa E-2 hay que ser propietario al menos del 51 por ciento del negocio. Por lo tanto no sirve en el caso de hermanos o socios que se dividen las acciones de la empresa  al 50 por ciento o menos. Antes de solicitar la visa hay que hacer pasos importantes, como constituir la empresa o, en su caso, comprarla, girar dinero a Estados Unidos a la cuenta corporativa, llevar a cabo contratos de arrendamiento, elaborar el plan de negocios, etc. Y sà ³lo luego despuà ©s se solicita al consulado o embajada la visa E-2. Como muchos elementos del negocio se deben poner en marcha antes de saber si se obtiene la visa es recomendable hacer un pago mediante el sistema de escrow cuando se compre un negocio, y que el pago al vendedor quede condicionado a que la visa se obtiene. Y si lo que se busca no es una visa sino una tarjeta de residencia, conocida tambià ©n como green card, tener en cuenta que el camino no es la E-2 sino una EB-5, cuyos requisitos son mà ¡s severos, pero es indudable que brinda mà ¡s ventajas para las personas interesadas en mudarse, con sus familias, a los Estados Unidos. Finalmente, para tramitar la visa E-2 es recomendable contar con un abogado especialista en este tipo de visas y que pueda demostrar un rà ©cord excelente en su tramitacià ³n. Son visas muy especializadas y no todos los abogados tienen el conocimiento ni la experiencia. Este es un artà ­culo informativo. No es asesorà ­a legal.

Friday, May 15, 2020

The Health Status Of Mexican Americans Essay - 980 Words

The Health Status of Mexican Americans The health of the minorities of a country determines the health of the nation. We as the United States of America have become more culturally diverse in this last century with thirty-six percent belonging to a racial or ethnic minority group. According to the US Census Bureau population estimates as of July 1, 2013 there are approximately fifty-four million Hispanics living in the United States representing seventeen percent of the US total population. This statistic makes people of Hispanic origin the nations largest ethnic or race minority. Current health Status of Mexican Americans Recent research suggests that Mexican Americans are surprisingly healthy. Markides and Coreil (1986) find that â€Å"the health status of Hispanics in the Southwest is much more similar to the health status of other whites than that of blacks although socioeconomically, the status of Hispanics is closer to that of blacks† (253). Statistics gathered from the (National Vital Statistics Reports; Vol. 52, No. 3) All Hispanic males (age adjusted) mortality rate are 802.5 vs. non-Hispanic whites at 1012.8, and Non-Hispanic Blacks 1393.7. All Hispanic females 544.2, vs. Non-Hispanic females 71.3, and Non-Hispanic Black females 925.5. Women of Hispanic origin have higher fertility rates than those Non-Hispanic White and Non-Hispanic Black women. As an example, in 2001 Hispanics had 96.0 births per 1,000 women ages 15 to 44, compared with 57.7 births forShow MoreRelatedThe Reform Is Called System Of Social Protection And The Non Communicable Diseases Like Diabetes1546 Words   |  7 Pagesdiabetes. It is the opposite in the United States; Mexican-Americans have a longer life expectancy than the Mexicans living in Mexico. About fifty million Mexicans are uninsured and Mexico is trying to fix that by creating a health care system reform. The reform is called System of Social Protection in Health (SSPH); it was created to insure new financial rules for public health care. Also, to have community services and provide personal health care. The funding used for the reform comes from federalRead MoreMexican Immigration And The United States1216 Words   |  5 PagesMexican immigration has been a controversy in the United States since before 1980. According to Jie Zong and Jeanne Batalova, Mexican immigration can be divided in three waves: the first one, before World War two, the second one started with the Bracero program, and the last one after it. Nevertheless, Mexican immigration can be seen as something threat, as many Americans argue, or as the opposite, a benefit to the nation culture throughout the years. This essay will explain some of the difficultiesRead MoreSocial Determinants Of Health Dispari ties1354 Words   |  6 PagesSocial determinants of health inequity reflect deeper social divisions, which generate multiple risks that are reproduced over time. Hierarchies of power must be critiqued through the lenses of class and race to make tangible the seemingly abstract connections between social and economic determinants and distribution of health inequity. Racism finds refuge in various forms of material exploitation; narrow interventions that fail to address the root causes that undermine the health and well-being of membersRead MoreEssay on Childhood Obesity1599 Words   |  7 PagesChildhood obesity is one of the most serious public health challenges of the 21st century. The problem is global and is steadily affecting many low- and middle-income families particularly in the United States. The socioeconomic status of these families contributes to the childhood obesity epidemic. 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Obesity rates remain high in the United States, where one third of adults are obese.1 According to the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), the percent of children (ages 2-19 years) who are obese rose from 14.5% in 1999 to 17.3% in 2012.1 A recent study based on the 2012-2013 NHANES suggests a stabilization in obesity rates since 2003-2004, with a significant decrease amongRead MoreCare Giving for the Mexican Elderly1016 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"Ageing means an increase in life expectancy, prevalence of chronic disease, and need for health and social care services† (Vladislavovna, 2010, 1). Older people need formal and informal support systems to insure independence and an overall good quality of life. Families friends play a big role in the lives of aging Mexican elderly, â€Å"a social network is the collection of interpersonal and communal bonds that people have throughout their lives to establish social relations that satisfy certain needsRead MoreObesity And Obesity Among Hispanic And African American Communities1701 Words   |  7 Pagesobesity and diabetes among Hispanic and African American populations. The two communities face challenges of contracting diabetes and obesity owing to their lifestyle. There is much to compare among the African American and Hispanic people as far as their culture and observance of healthy living are concerned. The study also presents a future projection of the issues that need addressing to mitigate obesity and diabetes among the Hispanic and African American communities in the United States. IntroductionRead MoreThe Link Between Poverty And Diabetes1743 Words   |  7 PagesAccording to the American Diabetes Association, more Americans die each year from diabetes than from AIDS and breast cancer combined. As a result, researchers have extensively studied the causes, treatments, and interventions for diabetes. Despite efforts to ameliorate its effects, diabetes remains a prevalent danger in society. In 2014, 7% of U.S. adults were living with diagnosed diabetes (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention [CDC], 2016). In Louisiana that number was even higher - 10.4%Read MoreSocial Labeling And Stigmatizing Minority Children827 Words   |  4 PagesOne must understand the diversity of health issues in dealing with different ethnicity groups in childhood obesities. Since my research data demonstrate that minorities are more likely to be obese than non-minorities, thus I do not want to provide an image of social labeling and stigmatizing minority children who are overweigh t. There are many factors that play in role in children being obese that must be taken into accounts. One of the factors, the income status of the parents and how it generallyRead MoreMexican American Males and Alcoholism1354 Words   |  6 PagesRuth Gutierrez Proff. Julia Curry MAS 160 9 a.m. 12 May 2009 Mexican American Males and Alcoholism Drinking alcohol is a behavior that diverse ethnicities and cultures have adapted as a form of leisure, celebration, socialization, or cultural practice. Mexican American males have engaged in drinking alcohol for all of these reasons. It is important to analyze the process of acculturation Mexican American experience and how it affects their ability to persuade and control their alcohol consumption

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Analysis Of John Hughes s The Tale Of Asylum

Published in March 2016, Asylum is a complex, fractured novel that hovers on the border of reality and unreality. It is the most recent work by author John Hughes, whose novel The Idea of Home received the Premier’s Award for Nonfiction in 2005. The tale of Asylum is intriguing, a Kafkaesque allegory that binds the strangeness felt by refugees seeking asylum, with an image of purgatory borrowed from classical works of fiction. It is split into two acts, and within these acts, multiple fragments. The reader encounters excerpts from reports and inquiries as well as ‘Legends’ of both ‘The Doors’ and ‘The Place’. The landscape of the text is split into three places, ‘Sanctuary’, the ‘Doors’, and ‘Place’. Its protagonists are Baba and Ash, and†¦show more content†¦In this respect, Hughes alienates readers who prefer a linear narrative plot, with characters and motives that are easy to decipher. E d Wright (2012) incurred the same issue upon reading Hughes’ earlier novel The Remnants. He argues that there are books ‘that can only be fully appreciated once the real terror of one’s own mortality has been felt’. His own experience reading Proust before he was able to full appreciate it returned upon reading The Remnants (Wright 2012). The confusing nature of the text can be, admittedly, difficult at times to follow. Only upon a second reading can the true meaning of the text be gaged. The first chapter of Asylum, which introduces Baba, sets the tone for the novel. ‘The Official’, as Hughes calls the character, asks for Baba’s name. The reader is able to see inside Baba’s mind, as he comments that he ‘only knew a handful of their words’ (Hughes 2016, 3). From the outset there is uncertainty and mystery, as the reader does not know the identity of the Official, just their title, or the true identity of Baba other than what he tells the Official. Baba then ventures into the outside world, where he happens upon the ‘Sanctuary’, a place that is ‘a temple built to resemble a ruin’ (Hughes 2016, 13). It is here that he meets Ash, a barber who wears a white robe, and who tells Baba when he arrives that he will wear the black. They cut the hair of their clients and listen to their stories, before the client

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Ironies Of Life Essay Example For Students

Ironies Of Life Essay Ironies Of LifeIrony is a word that has been around in my life since I was six years old. I remember it exactly, the day that the word entered my vocabulary. My mom and I were driving to my grandmas house and I was reading a ?Calvin and Hobbes? comic from the paper earlier that morning. Calvin had been saving a snowball in the freezer for 4 months and was going to use it. He snuck up on his nemesis, Suzy, and threw it as hard as he could, and missed. He goes into hysterics, wondering how he could have missed that perfect shot, while, at the same time Suzy is scooping up the pile of snow lying in front of her. Calvin turns in time to see Suzy grinning as she hurls it in his face. The last panel has Calvin lying on the ground with snow on his head, saying that ?the irony of this is sickening?. I asked my mom what that word and she told me to look it up when we got home. Ever since then, Irony has been one of my favorite words, because of the sarcasm and wit involved to use it. The Oxfo rd English dictionary defines irony as the use of words designed to convey a meaning opposite to the literal sense, with the design of indicating dissent, disapprobation,or contempt;censure or ridicule under cover of praise or compliment; covert sarcasm or satire. This means that you can make fun of someone, and make them feel really dumb, which is something that the media loves to do. The T.V. shows ?Saturday Night Live?, ?Friends?, ?Fraiser?, and ?The Simpsons? are all perfect examples of irony. ?Fraiser? is a show that loves to use the concept of irony to play with the characters of the show, getting them into some precarious situations. Irony in entertainment isnt something new though. In greek tragedies, famous playwrights used irony to entertain audiences for years. Sophicles used irony in one of his most famous plays, ?Oedipus? where a young couple, who were King and Queen of a land, were told by a prophecy that their son would kill the father. Frightened by this knowledge, they took their son and chained him to a mountain far away. A shepherd found the boy and raised him as his own. The boy grew to become a man, and, while walking on a path, was told to move so that a royal coach may pass. He didnt want to move and ended up killing all of the guards and the king himself. He then ventured to the next town, which happened to be the city where his parents ruled, and wound up marrying the queen. When they found out what had happened, he took a pin and jabbed out his eyes. The Greeks knew that word as ironia, which is latin. They knew it to mean dissimulation, ignorance purposely affected. Probably the most famous gr eek to use irony, though, was Socrates, who had is own form of irony, Socratic Irony. Socratic irony is a condition of affairs or events exactly the reverse of what was to be expected; a contradictory result of events as though in mockery of what might have been looked for; as in the irony of the circumstances. What Socrates would do is play dumb, so that he would be easily overlooked, and put aside, and could easily lure his companions into a state of self assuredness. Then he could tell who really was intelligent and who was not, and decide who he wanted to make friends with. Its a brilliant way to see who is your intellectual equivalent. .u01380d58a425d71bfe7c352471bb0a8b , .u01380d58a425d71bfe7c352471bb0a8b .postImageUrl , .u01380d58a425d71bfe7c352471bb0a8b .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u01380d58a425d71bfe7c352471bb0a8b , .u01380d58a425d71bfe7c352471bb0a8b:hover , .u01380d58a425d71bfe7c352471bb0a8b:visited , .u01380d58a425d71bfe7c352471bb0a8b:active { border:0!important; } .u01380d58a425d71bfe7c352471bb0a8b .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u01380d58a425d71bfe7c352471bb0a8b { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u01380d58a425d71bfe7c352471bb0a8b:active , .u01380d58a425d71bfe7c352471bb0a8b:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u01380d58a425d71bfe7c352471bb0a8b .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u01380d58a425d71bfe7c352471bb0a8b .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u01380d58a425d71bfe7c352471bb0a8b .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u01380d58a425d71bfe7c352471bb0a8b .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u01380d58a425d71bfe7c352471bb0a8b:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u01380d58a425d71bfe7c352471bb0a8b .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u01380d58a425d71bfe7c352471bb0a8b .u01380d58a425d71bfe7c352471bb0a8b-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u01380d58a425d71bfe7c352471bb0a8b:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Soil erosion EssayIrony is a funny thing. It can be used to make a interesting outlook on a situation, provide some dry sarcasm, or put things in perspective. Its a fun word to use and very popular, for anyone who can use sarcasm can use the word irony. English Essays